The PFAG introduces the Z-Card

Though it may look glamorous on the outside, the life of a professional footballer is no walk in the park. The tedious nature of their daily workouts, contractual commitments, and the need to chart the course of ideal societal role models constantly exerts many pressures on them as professionals and as individuals.

To help ensure that our stars are adequately prepared and supported in both on and off field endeavors, and to help guide and streamline the actions of all professional footballers, the PFAG has introduced the Z-Card.

The Z-Card is the professional footballer’s pocket guide to all the do’s and don’ts of their chosen profession. It contains valuable snippets of information, and words of inspiration from renowned and revered African footballers to help guide the stars of tomorrow to take the right next step in their careers; in the right way.

The Professional Footballers Association of Ghana has recently stocked up the CAF Z-Card, and it has been widely met with choruses of approval among many. Indeed, members of the senior national team, the Black Stars have endorsed the Z-Card, and called for all colleague footballers to grab a copy!

Simply pass by the PFAG office for your copy.

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